No words here can ever say what the loss of these two precious hearts in my life has done to me,  Mum Marion was the strong one to help me cope with the dreadfull loss of my beautifull Cheryl..Now my world has changed, how could it be I have lost my saviour my beautifull treasured Marion, she was my strength when the sadness of losing Cheryl our lovely wee lassie our wee Rosie became so heartbreaking, Mum's caring and gentle nature would bring some semblance of normality at the tears I still cried for my lovely wee lassie. Now they both lie in heaven leaving Alistair Cheryl's husband and myself without this quiet and unassuming dignified lady Marion. How much does God expect us to bear. Now in the house we so loved just reminders everywhere as we cry at the loss of two of the kindest and most caring human beings you could ask for,.we find it so hard to realise what we have lost..This quiet and dignified lady Marion my wife of more than 45 years was all that was left of my once precious family. Holding out a hand when something silly would bring our lovely Cheryl to mind.  Marion would say I KNOW LOVE come on lets have a wee cup of tea squeeze my hand and say we will get there..Once again I could face another day untill the next time. Now the house completely empty the nights so very strange with just the clock ticking away ..Mum suffered so many invasions during her hospital stay and still each day or night visiting her she held our hand Alistairs and mine on leaving saying I will be home soon her faith in the doctors absolute...The lovely room we had ready with the surprise presents for he recovery still sit in the corner never to be opened,  her clothes a terrible reality of how empty my life has become...
How could we ever imagine a visit to the doctor and her suspected Gall stones would end in the nightmare we now live with...Marion would always work through the colds and sneezes not wanting to take pills but would work it away doing all the things she did everyday keeping our house immaculate and sparkling..A day later asking how she was she would look surprisingly at me and say !!! Im fine that was Marion. And that was how she would be as we visited her each afternoon and night her trust total in her doctors in hospital. But the visits were so distressing for us as it was just one hurdle and one operation after another...the outcome just so like our lovely Cheryl after her heart stopped beating on Monday 20 October 2008 at 3.15pm on a cold and rainy afternoon in Wishaw General Hospital. Now it was Mum Marion and cruelly the date October21 2014 a day after her precious daughter six years previously
For Cheryl back then So many loving hearts around her as she silently lay before she closed her eyes forever never seeing us beside her. And then for MARION the same ward the same final outcome, as my precious Marion was taken to a side ward not knowing we were beside her we four who loved this lovely caring soul Alistair Kenny Cathy and myself shared the last minutes of life beside my treasured Marion. The beautifull blue eyes stared at us not seeing us, a mirror of our beautifull Cheryl,s last moments of life.
Our tears fell on Mum every moment as we held her hand and kissed her brow...She willl never be replaced and I fear the years ahead without my lifelong companion through the good and the bad times..How special she truly was.. IAN

Remembering Cheryl
back then This happy and gentle young lady will we pray never ever be forgotten, she was too special to be just a part of the past. Alistair and Cheryl had no children but she loved her two boys! her cats Charlie and Oscar.
Sadly Oscar quietly passed away some months back now, leaving just Charlie another link broken in our love for our beautifull girl. Such a special person gentle hearted, courageous, and so imaginative. On the Sunday afternoon as she lay in hospital her eyes opened momentarily and we thought our prayers had been answered but it was not to be she never saw us beside her, the following afternoon at 3.15 while standing beside her those beautifull eyes would close forever her life was over. Without her and now my beautifull  Marion my life can never ever be the same, our hearts will never truly mend Alistairs and mine without the happiness of their presence, our days have lost the brightness they always gave to us.... Dad Alistair.
So many hearts were broken back then that terrible Monday Husband Alistair, Mum Marion, and Dad Ian, her Uncles Kenny, Davy, Jim, Donald Peter and Joe. Her cousins Kirsten Carol Leslie Anne Nicola and Kirsty. Cheryl's Aunts Catherine,Christine,Sheila,Ann,Jeanette,Marion,not forgetting Nicole,Cheryl's Goddaughter, Alistairs Mum Jean,and his Dad Alistair and all the family.

To every visitor just like YOU, who finds a moment in this busy life to visit this Memorial to Cheryls and now her precious Mum,s  Life we send you our heartfelt thanks. We say their life but this Memorial can never tell of the life of such a gentle hearted Mum and Daughter, we could talk of them forever just as we will cry for them  forever. If you wish to add anything to This memorial send your contribution to us and we will add it to this Memorial to our precious young GIRL CHERYL and the kindest caring  lady Marion her Mum. . Our broken hearts can never ever mend, our tears can never end, even as the years pass by their smiling faces will be there beside us untill our dying day, how will we ever accept we have lost these caring souls,

 Dad Ian and Alistair the person Cheryl loved more than our words could ever say..Our lovely couple our best pals Cheryl and Alistair xxx
Mum & Dad....Nite Nite Cheryl our lovely wee lassie till one day with God's love we will be beside you forever xxxx  I pray to God my two girls hold each other safely untill the day I can see them once more..DAD XXX


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