Thanks Dad

2011 April 07

Created by IAN .(.DISILAIN ), ,ALISTAIR 13 years ago
Nothing new to say really, Mum and I just carry on as usual but our lives have changed so much, I dont have to collect Cheryl for work each day. I still keep the seat next to me free of the usual vans rubbish and so Cheryl can sit beside me,I look at this empty seat and she is beside me again,as she leaves I see her stand smile and wave goodbye to me so clearly. Sometimes as I pass where she was dropped of I look away as the visions hurt so very much. Although I was always so happy to drive her to work she would always say "Thanks Dad see you tonight" these are the hardest parts to bear, how deep the memory of these little things and the feelings of sadness are. This gentle soul has gone, on my own driving to jobs my mind often wanders, then as usual I wipe away my tears. Mum never has her best pal beside her on the Friday shopping trip now,Mum always says when I am with her as I do now to help make the visit that bit easier I am just like Cheryl was when folks leave trolleys in the middle isle or wander in front of me my reaction is so like Cheryl. Down to tend to the cats tonight the house is empty Charlie and Oscar seem very happy to see us and we sit looking around at all Cheryl's little ornaments and it is not easy to deal with, Alistair keeps everything so nice just the way Cheryl always kept them. Back home again the picture on our small table, the happy smile looks out to us as each night we touch the picture and say nite nite love and want to leave the light on for her...... everyone says you still have her memories..yes we do, so many memories, till our last breath this wee lassie we lost so suddenly will be a constant picture in our minds, that is how deep this loss of Cheryl has affected us Mum Dad
