2013 January 02

Created by IAN .(.DISILAIN ), ,ALISTAIR 11 years ago
Grief isn’t a path or a straight journey. It is like a circle. One day fond memories bring tears and anguish And sometimes a smile the next Days and nights of despair, follow times of peace Days of depression, followed by days of numbness Days of what the future now holds, then days of hopelessness and helplessness Days of anger,days of feeling close to Cheryl Then days of feeling as though she is a universe away Days of hope, that life goes on following death. Then so many days of utter disbelief We just cope as best we can with these days, Appreciate the good moments and allow the bad days to happen. We just go with the flow each day We know if I either us Mum Dad or even Alistair had died, we would have wanted Cheryl to live her life to the full But for us Mum and Dad she was the child and us the parents and although we cannot promise to live life as once it was, in return we can only do our best whatever it may be. It is clear we will never ever live life to the full without our wee girl, wehave lost too much our hopes for the future...Mum Dad Alistair
